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Corporate Social Responsibility

Real success lies in giving back to the community, in sharing with those less fortunate. Businesses are not only morally responsible to their stakeholders but also to the society, environment and towards a sustainable planet at large.

We strongly believe that a company cannot thrive in isolation, a business cannot truly consider itself accomplished when it ignores the dire needs of society.

Being a total logistics solution provider, STLPL adopts Corporate Responsibility by engaging in philanthropy, community development, and supporting social and environmental issues.

The company's CSR activities are rooted in the knowledge that companies have a moral responsibility to ensure that all living beings get a fair share of the planet resources available.

For this purpose we are part of the 'Shree Hari Satsang Samiti' to create a culture of compassion and giving; wherein public awareness is created among tribals in villages to make them self respecting , capable and self sufficient. A feeling of nationalism is instigated amongst the tribals by establishing 'ritual centers' wherein they are educated about the rich and glorious culture through rendition of rituals and propagation of knowledge.

Our associations include:

'Ekal Vidyalaya foundation' - Adopting the weaker sections in the society and taking responsibility for their education.

'Lions Club International' - Organizing Eye check up camps as part of the SIGHT FIRST initiative.

'Save a Cow' initiative' - Setting up a GAUSHALA (Cowshed) and taking complete care of the inmate cows.

'Shree Hari Satsang Samiti' - Adopting tribal villages and imparting education for their holistic development.